Location, location, geolocation

Earlier this month I had the pleasure of speaking at Web Directions South in Sydney about building location-based web applications using web standards—HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I had a great time, met some great people and, hopefully, taught someone a thing or two. If you missed out on the conference this year, you can listen to my talk, and most of the others as well, in the resources section of the Web Directions site. Props to John, Maxine and the rest of the WDX crew for holding a great conference and putting all the resources from it out there for everyone to peruse.
The slides from my presentation are available on Slideshare or, if you prefer your slidedecks outside the browser, as a PDF.
Talk resources
Additional resources
- Geolocation API Specification
- Using Geolocation: Mozilla Developer Centre
- You are here, Dive into HTML5
- Where On Earth IDentifiers
- YQLGeo
- Google Maps API Web Services
- Google Directions API
- Google Geocoding API
- Tiny Geocoder
- Flickr Places API
- Tatham Oddie: Riding the Geolocation Wave
- Mapstraction: Javascript mapping abstraction library
- Styled Maps Using Google Maps API Version 3
- Modernizr