Notes tagged “Ruby”
Wrapping Rack Middleware to Exclude Certain URLs (For Rails Streaming Responses)
Use your middleware when it’s handy, exclude it when it’s not.
Money, Stress and The Cloud
Or: How to Save Your Relationship with Rails Streaming Responses on Heroku.
Export Trajectory Stories to CSV
You can have your stories and spreadsheet them too.
Render Single-Line Markdown Text with Redcarpet
For when you want Markdown without the block-level elements.
Customising ActiveRecord’s attribute formatting on inspect
Make your Rails console a tidier place.
New Relic, Heroku and Rails Streaming Responses
You can make them all work together.
Decaf Sucks Launch Countdown: Un-Designing the App
On moving to Heroku, choosing Objective-C libraries, and reducing the app’s UI surface area.
Useful Heroku-Friendly Rewrites with rack-rewrite
When you cannot configure your webserver, here’s a Rack middleware to preserve your Google-juice.