Wishing You a Happy, Caffeinated Christmas
It’s great to see the warm reception to our Dispatch delivery for December!
When we built Dispatch, we wanted to make sure that it would be a perfect Christmas gift, no matter how late the order (isn’t online shopping wonderful?). So, from the very beginning, we chose to include a gift card in the email receipt for anyone who orders a gift.

To give it an air of old-school authenticity, Max chose to reference the design of old legal tender and stock certificates. Above we can see the certificate along with a recently finished cup of delicious Mojo Rising blend cofee.
To help build the certificate, we used both the online Guilloché Pattern Generator and the Mac OS X app Excentro. A quick export to Illustrator, a big fat block of Futura Bold, and we were done.
At Icelab and Decaf Sucks, we’d like to wish a happy and well-caffeinated Christmas to you all. It’s never too late to join in on the fun!