Notes tagged “Decaf Sucks”
Announcing Decaf Sucks 2.0
We’re thrilled to announce that Decaf Sucks 2.0 for iPhone is now available on the App Store.
Decaf Sucks 2: A New Old Design
Changing nothing, while changing everything.
Decaf Sucks 2: Starting Over
They say to avoid the big rewrite. Luckily, Decaf Sucks isn’t that big.
Decaf Sucks 2 Is Coming, 2 Hours at a Time
Making the coffee app before the morning’s first coffee.
Announcing Decaf Sucks 1.1
Taller, better, more Facebookish.
RubyMotion & Rails Responders at the Canberra Ruby Crew
News and slides from the first of the rebooted Canberra Ruby meetups.
Decaf Sucks Launch Countdown: A Restrospective
A look back at the first 100 days since the app’s release.
Dispatch’s First Birthday
8 countries, 91,000 kilometres, 10,000 cups. A look back at our first year of Dispatch.
Announcing Decaf Sucks for iPhone
We’re thrilled to announce that Decaf Sucks for iPhone is now available on the App Store!
Decaf Sucks Launch Countdown: Development Complete!
After another two weeks of hard work, the Decaf Sucks iPhone app is finished and submitted to the App Store!
Decaf Sucks Launch Countdown: Un-Designing the App
On moving to Heroku, choosing Objective-C libraries, and reducing the app’s UI surface area.
Decaf Sucks Launch Countdown: Finishing the API
A look into building an authenticated API that integrates with 3rd-party OAuth providers, along with some general tips for building RESTful JSON APIs with Rails.
Decaf Sucks Launch Countdown: Getting to Work
An update at the end of week #1.
Decaf Sucks Launch Countdown: Starting Again, Again
By the 5th of September, we will release Decaf Sucks for iPhone.
What’s New With Decaf Sucks
Some big milestones, mentions in the press, and site updates.
Dispatch #2: Your Coffee, Faster
Last week saw us send out Decaf Sucks Dispatch #2. Along with a new bean (this month, a delicious Brazilian single origin), we also took the chance to employ a few new business procedures.
Wishing You a Happy, Caffeinated Christmas
Why Dispatch is the best designed gift that keeps on giving.
Announcing Dispatch, From Decaf Sucks
Sharing our love of coffee with Australia.
Welcome to the OmniSocial
Announcing a Rails 3 engine for Twitter and Facebook logins.
Decaf Sucks First Birthday Updates
Decaf Sucks recently turned 1 year old. Over the last year, 143 different contributing reviewers have written 610 reviews for 502 cafés in 18 different countries. Outstanding!