Notes by Tim Riley
Tim talks “Views, from the top”
It’s time for a fresh take on the humble server-rendered view.
Tim talks functional architecture at RedDotRubyConf
Discover how a change in mindset can make all the difference to your Ruby
Icelab talks at RubyConf AU 2017
Tim and Piotr share our vision of a future for Ruby.
A Rodakase retrospective: 1 year of dry-rb in production
A lot has changed, but our work remains simple.
Piotr Solnica joins Icelab
A new tech lead, and big steps forward for dry-rb and rom-rb.
Announcing Decaf Sucks 2.0
We’re thrilled to announce that Decaf Sucks 2.0 for iPhone is now available on the App Store.
Next-generation Ruby web apps with dry-rb, rom-rb, and Roda: RedDotRubyConf 2016
Tim talks in Singapore about rediscovering joy in Ruby web app development
Conversational rom-rb, part 2: types, associations, and update commands
More in our literate programming introduction to rom-rb: return results as dry-types structs, fetch associations, and update your existing records.
A conversational introduction to rom-rb
How we build our app’s persistence support will have a profound impact on its overall design.
Put HTTP in its place with Roda
Design better apps with a clearly separated HTTP interface
A change-positive Ruby web application architecture
A look into a post-Rails, post-MVC world.
Better code with an inversion of control container
Following good software design principles is not as hard as you think.
Effective Ruby dependency injection at scale
An approach to dependency injection that will work across your entire app.
Functional command objects in Ruby
Mix together FP, OOP, and find happiness in easily to call, easy to compose command objects.
Inactive records: the value objects your app deserves
Bring safety and simplicity to your app.
My Past and Future Ruby
A personal Ruby revolution, and the start of something new.
Work for Icelab: developers in Canberra, Melbourne, or remote
Join the team and help us make great things.
Decaf Sucks 2: A New Old Design
Changing nothing, while changing everything.
Decaf Sucks 2: Starting Over
They say to avoid the big rewrite. Luckily, Decaf Sucks isn’t that big.
Decaf Sucks 2 Is Coming, 2 Hours at a Time
Making the coffee app before the morning’s first coffee.