Levelling Up With AngularJS: Building a Reusable Click to Edit Directive
Learn about building a directive with AngularJS and teaching your HTML some new tricks.
An all-in-one directive-controller with AngularJS
This week the kind folks at Good Films hosted the second ngMelb at their offices in Fitzroy and I gave a demo of a technique for wrapping up some complex behaviour into a simple directive.
Work for Icelab: Assistant Producer, Canberra
We’re doing great work and growing fast. Help us run the business from our Canberra office.
Things Get Fuzzy Fast: Examine Your Day So You Can Learn From It
On making everyday opportunities for learning and growth.
Manually bootstrapping AngularJS for asynchronous loading in Internet Explorer
For when the magic fails you.
Down, But Not Out
A resilient definition of office routes around damage
A Manageable Multi-Database Redis Development Setup
An easy way to separate Redis databases for multiple apps.
Best Practices for Responsive Web Design
Tips, tricks and thinking about designing and building responsive websites.
Rails Action Caching with Query Strings and Formats
Simple and sane action cache key paths in Rails.
Go Hard Early
That last 20% of the project, the part that takes actually takes half of the total time? You want to get to that earlier, not later.
Build your own file dropper
A DIY file dropper with Automator.
There is No Lab
On the very real virtues of remote work.
Icelab in 2012
Work shipped, friends made, offices opened, 6,863 espressi consumed.
Click to Edit with AngularJS
A look at how Angular helps this common interface pattern remarkably straightforward to build.
Announcing Decaf Sucks 1.1
Taller, better, more Facebookish.
David Porter joins Icelab
Another developer and friendly face in Canberra.
Precompiled Rails Static 404 and 500 Pages
Great looking custom 404 and 500 pages are a hallmark of well-rounded and polished web application. Here’s how to simplify making and maintaining them in Rails.
A new The Thousands
Late last week we put the finishing touches on our latest project, The Thousands.
Lil’ Launch
A Chrome extension for quicker and easier access to your bookmarks (and bookmarklets) through the Omnibox.
Fast Downscaling of Retina OS X Screenshots
Put away the clown shoes^H^Hscreenshots.